Lexi Wood, Model | Los Angeles, CA
Lexi Wood for The Fem Word
Natasha Samtani in conversation with Lexi Wood in Los Angeles, CA | October 2019
I'm Lexi Wood. I'm a model. I live in Los Angeles currently, but I'm originally from a small town just East of Toronto.
You've gone from a small town in Toronto to West Hollywood, California. How did you end up here?
It’s been a long journey to get me to where I am now. I started modeling when I was 10, and then moved to Paris the day after my 17th birthday, from Paris I moved to Miami, from Miami I moved to LA, after spending 3 months in LA I moved to New York. 2 years ago I decided to make the full move to LA! I haven’t stopped traveling, but LA is home for now!
So when you were 16 and you were in Toronto and you got scouted, what was that like? What was the situation? Where were you?
I have a few modeling stories. I originally started when I was 10 to try to help me get out of my shell. After I grew out of shooting kids clothing I took a bit of a break before being re-scouted at 15 by a mother agent who then signed me to Ford Canada, which was my first big modeling agency. From there I got signed to an agency in New York where I was scouted to move to Paris to work. It was one of those moments where it was like a right place right time kind of thing.
So you said you were really shy growing up. why do you think that was?
I think I was just always a super laid back kid. I was also an over thinker.I went through a lot of bullying growing up so I think that contributed to my shyness too! I never felt comfortable being my true self unless I was at home with my family or on set modeling.
How do you think modeling helped you come out of that shell?
When I was on set, being quirky was cool, so I felt like I could really open up. Dancing around and being silly was embraced on set and in the industry so I always felt comfortable there.
What are the true unique characteristics that define you?
I am kind, loyal- sometimes to a fault hahaha, I am super empathetic, I’m silly- always down to have fun with everyone, strangers, family, friends, I always want to make everyone laugh and smile.
So this outgoing, goofy Lexi that's now more of this public face - What would you tell shy Lexi in Canada?
I would tell her to stop overthinking, when you’re being yourself you’re going to attract people that love you for you. You’ll be so much happier when you embrace your outgoing, goofy self.
Growing up in high school or when you were younger, I think you said that you had some challenges in school. What were some of the those challenges?
I was bullied to the point where I was homeschooled. The principal at my high school told me that I shouldn’t go to the bathroom without taking my older sister out of her class to bring me. Girls would tell me that they were going to beat me up so badly that I wouldn’t ever be able to model again.
What would you say to someone if you're watching this and they're being bullied right now by their peers?
This is just a moment in your life. As much as it feels like a lifetime, it really isn’t. From this experience you’re going to flourish in so many ways that you may not have without this experience. And try your hardest to have empathy for the bully, happy people don’t hurt people, so they must be going through something too.
Do you feel like there's a misconception about models?
Ya, for sure! I think models are not always looked at for our intelligence and so many of the models I know are some of the most intelligent and business savvy men and women I know. We travel the world alone at young ages, so we’re very street smart. We handle our own bookkeeping and manage our own money. A lot of models end up growing their own brands and developing different businesses outside of modeling. Seems pretty intelligent to me!
What do you feel is your responsibility as a model with a platform?
I have a huge responsibility to encourage self-love and expression with my platform. In a world where being yourself isn’t always accepted. Especially being from a small town, the expectation is that you need to go to school, get good grades, get a good job, get married, have kids and that’s it- which I think is great. But I grew up in a household where the sky was the limit. I can have a husband and kids, and achieve my wildest dreams too! I want the people that support me to feel the same way through my encouragement and example. I’m also always encouraging kindness, to ourselves and others!