The Fem Word Vol. 63

Lexi Wood for The Fem Word


weekly dose of female excellence ahead xx


Stephanie Grisham will be stepping down from her role as White House Press Secretary, a position she has held for eight months. Grisham held no press briefings during her time as Press Secretary, and will rejoin First Lady Melania Trump’s staff as a full-time chief of staff. Kayleigh McEnany, former spokeswoman for the Trump campaign, will become the new White House Secretary. Learn More


Paige Colombo drove home early in the morning after a 12-hour shift at Massachusetts General Hospital. She wasn’t thinking of anything but sleep - but as she neared her home, she was greeted with neighbors waving and holding thank you signs in their windows. The signs all thanked her for her work on the front lines, and showed that social distancing can’t stop the love. Learn More

World Health Day (April 7th) took on a markedly special meaning this year. In the midst of COVID-19, we could not be more grateful for the work that healthcare professionals do to safeguard the overall health of the public. Check out CNN’s article about Northside Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia and an in-depth look at some heroes that work there. Learn More


Women who planned for fertility treatments have had their appointments postponed indefinitely in light of COVID. Many who looked to IVF for a way to have a child are unable to receive the treatments they need. Some patients and doctors are fighting back - among them is Amy Schmidt Zook, who wants to have her third child before she no longer can. Learn More

Stay Home, Stay Safe is the order we were given...but what if home isn’t safe? For many victims of domestic abuse, quarantine is a new level of danger. Domestic violence could rise in number due to the necessity of staying home during how can we help those who need it, especially in such unorthodox times? Medium has some suggestions.

UN Secretary General António Guterres urged governments worldwide to place “women and girls at the center of their efforts to recover from COVID-19. This starts with women as leaders, with equal representation.” Women have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic, almost 60% of women globally work in the “informal economy” and are financially more vulnerable - meaning vulnerability in all aspects of life. Learn More


Hello Bello, Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard’s brand, recently launched a virtual summer camp for kids stuck at home during COVID-19. The camp lives on Instagram, bringing activities to kids with parents who are struggling to keep their kids entertained. The camp is free - and currently accepting applications for counselors. Learn More


Produce Alliance and other donors took the time to thank the healthcare professionals at Children’s National Hospital in Washington D.C. last week. The company donated 100 boxes of fresh produce to the nurses as they came off of a long shift. Learn More

Ashley Lawrence is a senior in college, but in her spare time she makes masks for deaf and hearing impaired individuals. The masks ensure safety while allowing the hard of hearing to be able to read lips - all of Lawrence’s masks feature a plastic window in front of the mouth to ensure ease of communication. Learn More

Some bridal shops are switching up business and using their sewing machines to make masks instead of once in a lifetime dresses. Using bridal fabrics, the shops create masks for healthcare professionals and everyone on the front line. Loulette Bride of New York has urged other small businesses like theirs to follow suit, stating they learned how to make masks from a video tutorial. Learn More

Cavanaugh Bell isn’t like most seven year olds. While many are lamenting their time stuck at home, Bell has organized a system for providing groceries and other household staples to his elderly neighbors. His care packages include toilet paper, flushable wipes, hygiene products, and foodstuffs. Bell came up with his idea when he realized his grandmother was at higher risk during the pandemic. Learn More


The income of most Americans have been drastically affected by this pandemic. Unemployment benefits are a way for many to scrape by, and these benefits exist thanks to Frances Perkins. Perkins was the US Secretary of Labor during the Great Depression, and aided many New Deal programs and funding programs for the unemployed. Her tireless efforts are not forgotten, especially in this new hour of need for the U.S. Learn More

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