The Fem Word Vol. 64

Natasha Samtani for The Fem Word


weekly dose of female excellence ahead xx


Shoreh Bayat hasn’t returned home to Iran since January, when she was condemned for hosting the Women’s World Chess Championship without wearing a hijab. Bayat is one of countless Iranian women who are fighting back against the country’s mandate that all women in Iran must wear a hijab - a rule that’s been in place since the Islamic Revolt of 1979. Learn More


Zimbabwe is working towards women’s empowerment in the state to combat climate change. Women are crucial to agricultural success, much of their way of life ties into growing and processing food in Zimbabwe. To this end, the State is working to insulate female farmers in the country by improving food security, and has classified agriculture as essential in the midst of COVID-19. Learn More


The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is working around the clock to provide support to underdeveloped areas and victims of abuse in the wake of COVID-19. With resources closing their doors, at-risk communities are at high risk during the pandemic. The UNFPA has asked for funding towards the COVID-19 Global Humanitarian Response Plan to help those who are unable to get what they need during this pandemic. Learn More


Actor  and advocate Ava DuVernay has created a grant program for women and creators of color during COVID-19. The grant will recognize film festivals, screenings, arts advocates, filmmakers, creators, and journalists - with an overarching goal of providing financial aid to local entities that serve in a cultural capacity and keep their stories alive. 14 honorees have been awarded $10,000 to serve women- and POC-centric film communities. Learn More

CEO of Spanx Sara Blakely is donating $5 million in support of women-owned and operated businesses across the U.S. during COVID-19. Blakely stated that she hopes the money “will alleviate some of the pressures caused by this horrible pandemic. Small business is the backbone of our culture and I want to help.” Learn More


Kizzmekia Corbett lives for pressure - and as one of the leading scientists on the front lines against COVID-19, that’s a good thing. Corbett’s research with rapid-development vaccines for SARS strains gives her a leg up in this ever growing threat - and her fellow scientists are praising her talent and dedication. Learn More


There’s a common thread between the countries with the best coronavirus responses...and that’s women in power. Heads of state in Iceland, Finland, Germany, Taiwan, New Zealand, Norway, and Denmark are all women who can take the heat when the pressure rises...proving that more women are needed in leadership, worldwide. Learn More


CNN has nothing but praise for Cate Blanchett’s latest work, Mrs. America. A 9 episode miniseries coming to Hulu, the show follows Blanchett as activist Phyllis Schlafly in 1970s America. The cast as a whole work to create a narrative of intrigue and explore the political minefields of feminism - and Blanchett shines throughout. Learn More


Coco Gauff, the American tennis star who became a sensation after defeating Venus Williams at the 2019 Wimbledon, states that she was depressed after getting “hype that I didn’t want.” The sixteen year old now says she’s had time to reflect, she “came out of it stronger [...] now, when I’m on court, I am just really thankful to be there.” Learn More


Lido Pimienta spoke at length with NPR last week about her latest album, Miss Colombia. The artist describes the work as “a cynical love letter to Colombia [...] it encompasses the collective feeling that is just f****ng tired.” Miss Colombia is a fusion of various folk genres, and can be streamed right now. Learn More

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