The Fem Word Vol. 65

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weekly dose of female excellence ahead xx


A story based on real-life, a female creative team, and a breakout’s a win-win-win. Shira Haas, a 24-year-old actress from Tel Aviv, speaks with Jessica Chastain about the "Unorthodox" show that has the world watching. Read More


In India, the COVID-19 outbreak and the subsequent lockdown have made things difficult for those who live alone. And it’s worse for women with caregiving responsibilities. The experience has magnified the concerns women face every, financial security, and mental health. Read More


Two friends in Ghana set out to bring about change for girls, and it’s been quite a ride. The Skate Gal Club is a collective whose purpose is to nurture the skills of women while providing them with a safe and empowering space. They discovered that skating is more than just a sport, it is a social environment in which women can dare to be vulnerable and confident, lift each other up, and inspire one another. Read More


As health officials began burying COVID-19 victims during New York’s worst week of death, the four female undertakers at the International Funeral & Cremation Service started turning bodies away. This band of morticians describe being on the front line of caring for the dead, rather than the living, during this global pandemic - and the challenges that they face. Read More


Over the last couple of weeks, hundreds of masks have been made from beautiful scraps of fabric and gifted to others. All of the women making the masks are graduates of the RefugeeOne service in Chicago. Read More


Deb Siggins, a native of Iowa, began sewing hundreds of masks for a local hospital. Her endeavor was so successful that she created a giving tree where she hangs the masks she makes for anyone to take. Read More


Demi Lovato has launched #TheMentalHealthFund to support organizations providing crisis counseling during the COVID-19 epidemic. Lovato, a long-time advocate of mental health, hopes to help those suffering from anxiety, depression, domestic abuse, isolation, eating disorders, and financial stress during this time. Read More


Rashida Gayle is the founder of Twenty Six Marketing Agency, with a focus on sports marketing. Despite the devastating impacts of COVID-19 on the sports industry, Gayle's determination has helped her find opportunity for her clients during this time. Read More


ICU nurse, Lauren Leander, silently stood in opposition of an anti-lockdown protest at Arizona's state Capitol. Leander works at a COVID-19 unit at an Arizona hospital, and chose to counter protest silently "to be a voice for her patients”..and stand up in support of her fellow healthcare workers. Read More


As the coronavirus spreads, our health care workers are working tirelessly. Many of these individuals are women. Vogue shines a light into some of these workers and the roles they’ve played in this pandemic. Read More


Alicia Keys sings to those working to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. The artist is working to spread positivity through her music. Read More


Melania Trump donates care packages to hospitals across the nation. The packages are full of supplies to help patients have a more comfortable stay in the hospital while they are being treated for the coronavirus. Read More

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