The Fem Word Vol. 66

Saira Rathod and Mom for The Fem Word, Skydiving


weekly dose of female excellence ahead xx

Saudi Arabia

During the COVID-19 crisis, women’s empowerment organizations in Saudi Arabia are fighting to help those who are struggling most. Despite this period of Ramadan, when Muslims are obligated to fast from dawn to sunset, women in the region are providing technology for online learning and food to families in need. Read More


While women make up the majority of primary school teachers in Indonesia, less than 20% of the principals at these schools are women. “These gaps not only indicate gender inequality but also that many schools, in the world’s fourth most populous country, are not benefiting from the effective leadership of women principals and the better learning environments.” Read More

Global Women 

As the COVID-19 crisis unfolds, the lives of women and girls everywhere are changing. Globally, women make up the majority of workers in the health and social sectors. In this article, the stories of five women on the front line are told from all around the world. Read More

Unordinary Extraordinary Women

Nine "Unordinary Women" will be honored in an unordinary way this month. It’s Lafayette 148 New York’s second annual event - but this time these nine changemaking women will talk about these "Unordinary Times" on a Zoom panel. For every post or comment using the hashtag #l148unordinarywomen and tagging @lafayette148ny through May 15, 2020, $10 will be donated to the Girl Rising campaign. Read More

C19 Relief

Fifteen-year-old Valerie Xu has donated over 10,000 face masks to medical workers while fighting the stigma against Asian Americans during the coronavirus pandemic. Read More

Ariana Huffington, Founder and CEO of Thrive Global, has joined the growing group of celebrities coming to the aid of first responders during COVID-19. #firstresponderfirst is a campaign to raise money for first responders to assist with food, equipment, mental health support, and child care. Read More

C19 Pressure

Women are beginning to resign from their jobs, as working and performing caregiving responsibilities is taking a toll during the coronavirus. “Women leaving the workforce under the pressures of a global crisis could have long-term consequences.” The impact of women declining in the workforce could become detrimental. Read More

Fem Pioneer

Scientific pioneer June Almeida who discovered the first human case of coronavirus is finally being acknowledged for the breakthroughs she made a half century ago. Read More

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