Posts by Emily Montague
The First Women: The Power of Women In Native American Mythology

Since the beginning, women have world-makers and world-shapers. We are teachers with wise hearts and warners clothed in the colors of blood, of famine, and of war. There are times when we take the forms of goddesses, divine and cloaked in mystery; there are other times when we are tricksters, spirits who use mischief and cunning to humble the hearts of wayward heroes, or to defeat monsters who threaten our people…

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Talking 'Bout Our Generations -- How Three Successive Generations Have Changed Women's Relationship With Money

Women have come a long way since the days of total financial dependence, and it’s important to reflect on how our relationships with money have changed in recent decades. In this article, TFW’s Managing Editor reflects on the perspectives, experiences, and lessons gained from her grandmother’s, mother’s, and her own generation.

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The Crisis Corner: Women, The Opioid Crisis, And The Truth About America's Front Lines

The opioid crisis has stolen countless lives and ruined countless others. It is a complex, enormous, and overwhelming problem that touches every part of the USA. It is also a crisis that women play an important role in — both as victims and as the activists seeking to help them.

Women experience addiction differently. They face different consequences and endure different forms of stigma than men do. Their stories deserve to be highlighted and told so that we, as a society, can mount a truly effective effort against the addiction crisis.

Welcome to crisis corner. Population: all of us.

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4 Things You Can Do At Home For Your Cardio Health

Many women find cardio workouts intimidating. Who has the time, the energy, or the motivation to break into a sweat every other day? We talked to our partners at Montgomery Cardiology and collected a few simple tips for maintaining cardio health from the comfort of your home. Maybe it’s not so scary, after all!

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Spent Myths: Confronting Stereotypes About Women & Money

There are a lot of stereotypes about women and their money. We’re big spenders who love to shop, we aren’t interested in stock reports or investment margins, we’re less likely to save… But are any of these stereotypes true? How do we REALLY shape up when it comes to our wealth and finances? Find out in this latest article!

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Not Your Movie Villain: Fighting The Masculinization & Vilification Of Women With Visible Scars

Visible scars — especially facial ones — are often associated with “tough guys” or evil movie villains. These stereotypes can be harmful, limiting, and painful to face for real-life women and girls with visible scarring. It’s time to stand up for those with visible scars and tell the world that they’re not your movie villain. They’re beautiful, diverse, and complex people, and their scars are simply one more part of that complex beauty.

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Accounting Is Being Added To STEM, And This Is Great News For Girls

STEM education has been a priority for K-12 educators, but it was limited to things like algebra and computer science for a long time. Accounting has finally been added to the curriculum, and that’s a big deal for girls and women. We’re finally giving our girls the preparation they need for a financially successful (and safe) future!

In this photo, Jerelyn Rodriguez speaks at the Engaging Women and Girls in STEM through Data Science event in 2016 at NASA Headquarters in Washington. Jerelyn is Co-Founder and CEO of The Knowledge House, a non-profit that engages youth and young adults in technology in the South Bronx. Photo Credit: (NASA/Aubrey Gemignani)

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Not Your Barbie Girl: The Dangers Of Skin-Whitening Around The World

The world’s obsession with fair skin is, well, unfair. The Fem Word contributor, Laura Hennawi, partnered up with our Managing Editor, Emily Montague, to explore the dangers, problems, and long-term impacts hiding within whitewashed beauty ideals. Learn about the history, culture, and issues behind skin-whitening trends, and become part of the movement that’s celebrating inclusive beauty standards for all!

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Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS): It’s Time To Make the Invisible Visible

The term “invisible illness” is used to refer to a number of chronic conditions that may not show obvious outward symptoms, but which can greatly impact the health and lives of those who suffer from them. May happens to be EDS month - this is one of many invisible illnesses impacting millions of people all over the world. We took a look at the ways that artists, celebrities, and everyday people are spreading knowledge and staying their experiences with EDS and other invisible illnesses.

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Emily Montague
A Brief History Of Beauty - How Beauty Was Seen In Ancient China

China’s definition of “beauty” has undergone many changes over the millennia, and Chinese women have taken up countless fashions, regimens, and styles in order to be seen as beautiful. Join us as we take a look at the way beauty rituals and ideals have changed throughout Chinese history - and take a look at the future of Chinese fashion as it harkens back to a not-so-distant cultural past.

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Getting To Know The Real Mulan: Preserving Her Story The Way It Was Meant To Be Told

While sing-a-longs and talking dragons are fun, the Disney version of Mulan gets a lot of things wrong. Join The Fem Word as we explore the original story of a young woman who goes to war - and the values, culture, and unique way of life her character was meant to represent.

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Too Much Heart–POTS and Other Forms of Tachycardia In Women

We all know what a “racing heart” feels like–but what if it’s your everyday, 24/7 reality? Tachycardia is a term that refers to an excessively quick heart rate, and it impacts millions of women all over the world. It can be a symptom of much bigger problems than nerves or excitement, however, and you should take it seriously. This article explains everything you need to know about tachycardia, including the many ways it impacts the body and ties into disorders like POTS.

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Maternity On The Move: Everything You Need To Know About Perinatal Mobility

Pregnancy is an all-systems undertaking that impacts your body from head to toe. Mental health is also a major part of this journey - and your mobility plays a big role in how you feel, inside and out. Despite this, many women are left without much information on how their mobility can or will be impacted by pregnancy, especially when it comes to the “fourth trimester” following a successful birth. This article will give you the information and support you need to stay mobile, healthy, and safe as you prepare for this exciting new phase of life!

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Damned If We Do, Damned If We Don't: Exploring Society's Judgment Against Women Who Undergo Cosmetic Surgery

We have a love-hate relationship with cosmetic surgery. We love the results of plastic surgery, but we tend to hate on the women who go out and get it. Why is that? Join us as we explore the issue of women’s beauty and our unfair judgment against those who seek to get it through surgical means–because we all have the right to feel beautiful, however we achieve it.

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Maidens, Mavens, & Magic Series: The Trung Sisters of Vietnam

The Trung sisters are central to Vietnam’s long history. Their legendary exploits and rise to power are a source of intense pride for the Vietnamese people, and today they are celebrated through art, theater, and even temples. Learn about these warrior Queens and the values they represented in the first article of our Maidens, Mavens, & Magic series. Keep an eye out for more stories of superhero women from around the world!

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Bent Out Of Shape: What You Should Know About Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome And Its Impact On The Body & Mind

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, or EDS, is a serious genetic disease that impacts tens of thousands of people in the U.S. and beyond. The symptoms of EDS can impact any and all areas of a sufferer’s life, from their mobility and physical abilities to their mental health. Despite the seriousness of this disease, few people know about it. We’re partnering with Restore Motion to change that–read on to learn about EDS and find out what you need to look for if you think you or a loved one might have it.

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Money Versus Missus: How Women Slowly Gained Financial Rights In The USA

Financial rights are a cornerstone of overall equality between men and women. You might be surprised to learn how recently some of those rights were granted to women in the USA–and how hard-won they were. As we move into 2022, it’s the perfect time for a little history lesson on women, money, and our journey toward financial recognition in America.

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Fighting Child Marriage In The Digital Age

Every year October 11th commemorates the UN’s ‘International Day of the GIrl’ to celebrate and amplify the voices of young girls around the world. The 2021 theme is "Digital generation. Our generation.” Digital technology is changing the lives of girls all over the world, and is helping raise awareness about child marriage and prevent it from happening to thousands of girl in America and beyond. Child marriage is a serious problem in the USA, but most Americans have no awareness of the scale of this issue.

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